Behaviors are written for flavor and for those that would like to portray the more realism side of the server. There is no need to report someone for not acting within their profile's behavior. Please only do so if they do not follow what it mandatory, or do not follow what is found in the rules.
Last Update: Feb 21st, '23
Tier 1: 1.5 hours from juvenile to adult, extra 15 mins from hatchling
Tier 2: 3.5 hours from juvenile to adult, extra 30 mins from hatchling
Tier 3: 5 hours from juvenile to adult, extra 30 mins from hatchling
Tier 4: 6 hours from juvenile to adult, extra 30 mins from hatchling
Pack Size| 10 Adults/Subs + Unlimited hatchlings/juveniles/adolescents
• Due to their voracious appetites they won't pass up a free meal, even going as far as risking scavenging from larger carnivores.
• Often viewed as the maintenance crew, it is common to see them cleaning the teeth and scales of other creatures.
• In larger packs, these small scavengers can be devastating to smaller creatures and intimidating to larger. Beware of swarms.
• Curious by nature and incredibly playful; they can be seen darting around nesting and feeding grounds, mock hunting and nipping fearlessly.
• Hoarders with a very loose social ranking, those with the biggest collections are often seen as leaders. At least until something else catches their eyes.
Image by: Amaroq
Pack Size| 10 Adults/Subs + Unlimited hatchlings/juveniles/adolescents
• Packs are usually lead by a dominant female that is worshipped by the rest in the pack.
• Subordinates often try to cater to the every whim of their queen, bringing her gifts, food, etc
• Subordinates are fiercely protective of their queen, often giving up their own life to defend her.
• Packs of Deinonychus have various different dances they perform for communication with each other.
• Known to play with other dinos, mock hunting (without biting), crouching, head bobbing, etc.
Image by: Khanivore
Pack Size| 10 Adults/Subs + Unlimited hatchlings/juveniles/adolescents
• Being fairly fragile, these carnivores prefer to scavenge for food, often stealing bits from other carnivore’s kills while they aren’t looking
• When solo or in smaller groups, they prefer smaller prey or juvenile dinosaurs, but in large numbers, they can take down larger prey.
Pack Size| 10 Adults/Subs + Unlimited hatchlings/juveniles/adolescents