Behaviors are written for flavor and for those that would like to portray the more realism side of the server. There is no need to report someone for not acting within their profile's behavior. Please only do so if they do not follow what it mandatory, or do not follow what is found in the rules.
Last Update: May 8th, ‘23
Tier 1: 1 hour from juvenile to adult, extra 10 mins from hatchling
Tier 2: 3 hours from juvenile to adult, extra 30 mins from hatchling
Tier 3: 4.5 hours from juvenile to adult, extra 30 mins from hatchling
Tier 4: 5.5 hours from juvenile to adult, extra 30 mins from hatchling
Tier 5: 6 hours from juvenile to adult, extra 30 mins from hatchling
Image by: Crayvey
Herd Size| Unlimited
• Being relatively fragile, these herbivores prefer to stick around larger herbivores to use as meat-shields.
• Often loud and bold, even known to nip at larger creatures before fleeing for their life.
• Loves to collect things, often making stashes of completely arbitrary items.
Image by: BranBran
Herd Size| Unlimited